18 Juil Pierre Joray : “Definition and Inference in Leśniewski’s Logic”
Since Whitehead and Russell’s Principia Mathematica, explicit definitions are usually considered to be logically neutral. In this paper, we explore those explicit definitions which were called creative by the members of the Warsaw School. We explain why a definition can be necessary for the proofs of certain results in a formal system and why the eliminability of a definition does not imply its logical neutrality. For this purpose, we explore certain important but often neglected results about definitions established by Leśniewski, Łukasiewicz, and Tarski in the 1920s.
Référence :
Joray P. “Definition and Inference in Leśniewski’s Logic”, In Béziau J.-Y., Desclés J.-P., Moktefi A. & Pascu A. (eds). Logic in Question. Studies in Universal Logic Series. Cham : Birkhäuser. (2022), 245-58.