22 Sep Psychological Concepts
Free University Brussels (V.U.B.)
Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies (CLEA, V.U.B.)
Valérie Aucouturier, Jan Broekaert and Alexander Riegler
Conference program :
Julia TANNEY (University of Kent, U.K.)
The function of psychological concepts: retracing the steps of ‘our Rylean
Rémi CLOT-GOUDARD *(UPMF, Grenoble, France)
Intention and mental causation
Tim THORNTON(University of Central Lancashire, U.K.)
Valérie AUCOUTURIER (F.W.O., CLEA, V.U.B., Brussels, Belgium)
Human and non-human agency
Vincent BOYER (Université de Nantes, CAPHI, France)
The social use of a psychological concept: the case of intention in
Layla RAàD (UPJV, Amiens, France)
Jocelyn BENOIST* (Université Paris 1/Archives Husserl, France)
Charles TRAVIS* (King’s College London & Instituto de
Filosofia Universidade do Porto)
Thread by thread